Hearing your voice today brought back nostalgic feelings. I felt goosebumps all over me, my hair standing on end, not because of fright but because of the tingle you make me feel everytime I remember how your touch lands on my skin. This shortens my breath, my eyes closes and with my hands I feel the contours of your face and I meet your lips with mine. It’s strong, engaging, the kiss we share. For a moment, time stops and I know I only have you and you only have me. I call out to you and hold on as you take me higher to our own little sanctuary, where, just the two of us, enjoying every moment, every quiet time together.
I mentally create a picture of you with me, right here. I draw scenes from yesterdays that we spent together, from places that we’ve been to things that we’ve enjoyed. I anticipate every phone conversation with you. I listen to you and I melt with the sound of your voice. My breast rise and fall with every pronounced word, this thing with you, is like magic and has remained so for years. Like a puppet, you control what I feel, you play me at the palm of your hand. In all words said. You have, own, and control my feelings. In this I’m bound in your spell forever.
Do I wish to be away or far from you? Never! But this is already something beyond our control, something we no longer have a hold on. Until the time that you rejoin me in this sanctuary that we built together. I’ll enjoy every word said, every sound heard, every breath released by you from our conversations. I’m missing you so much it starting to hurt and shake me. Til the day that you return love, til that day. I’ll wait.